CCGC 2012-037a-fss CCGC 2012-037b OY-fss CCSC 2014-048a OY-fss CCSC 2014-048j-fss CCGH 2014-005b OY-fss CCGH 2014-005c-fss NCGC 2011-034 OY-fss NCSC 2014-039a OY-fss NCSC 2014-039a-fss BCSH 2013-012a-fss BCSH 2013-012f OY-fss Over-year FI

Lizard canary basics, part 8: over-year birds

Pity the poor Lizard canary, a victim of the fleeting beauty of youth.  From October to July the Lizard is a real dandy, exquisitely patterned, beautifully presented, and then . . . the glory fades and the precision is lost . . . it becomes an over-year! ... Read More