2018 WS at Cesena-FI

New COM Lizard Standard

A new COM Standard for the Lizard canary was approved at the OMJ congress held in Portugal this month.  The proposal was prepared by the LCA and submitted by COM-UK.  The most significant changes are: Features such as the eyelash and the lacings, that were omitted from the 2016 standard, have been restored.  The Scale […]... Read More
Cassino presn AC-FSS Cassino-Abbey view from town-FSS Cassino-Abbey 2-FSS Cassino-Abbey 4-FSS Cassino-Abbey 3-FSS Cassino-Abbey 5-FSS Cassino-bombing-1944-FSS.jpeg Cassino-cemetery 1-FSS Cassino-cemetery 2-FSS Cassino-ruins-1944-FSS.jpeg Cassino-view from Monte Cassino-FI

Cassino, Part 1: the Associazione Ornitologica Albatros

The last World Show I attended was at Matosinhos, Portugal in January 2020.  I was there to give the second presentation on the London Fancy in our quest for the breed to be recognised by COM.   One of the OMJ assessors came up to me after the presentation and asked if I would like […]... Read More