BTMup silver hen BTMup silver male in moult-FSS BTMup young Lizard vent 1 BTMup gold hen vent-FSS BTMup silver male vent-FSS BTMup gold male vent-FSS BTMup silver hen White vent 2-FSS BTMup gold hen white vent-FSS BTMup gold hen dark vent-FSS BTMup gold male Lizard WR-FI BTMup John Bly-FSS BTMup young Lizard male-FI

Lizard canary basics, part 17: Bottoms up!

Before you jump to conclusions, this article has nothing to do with drinking toasts (1), yet, when used in connection with the Lizard canary, it involves an action that is very similar.  It means to take a bird in your hand and turn it upside-down so that the belly is uppermost.  Some canary breeders do […]... Read More
BCSH ADurrell 1986?-FI NCSH DNewton 2017a-FSS Best Non Cap 1991 National BCGH Best Lizard 1997 National-FSS CCSC Best Lizard 1994 National (JScott)-FSS NCGC 5th Best Lizard 2016 LCA Classic (DNewton)-FSS BCSH Best Lizard 1989 National-FSS BCSC Best O-year 1993 Nat Exhib-FSS NCSH DNewton 2017b-FSS CCGH Best Lizard Classic 2014 NHastead-FSS CCSC NHastead 2014 LCA Classic NH-FSS

Lizard canary basics, part 15: the rise of rowings since 1987

The first part of this short series looked at the rise of rowings (1) in the Lizard canary from a historical perspective.  In the second part, I am going to take up the story from 1987 and look at the progress that rowings have made over the last 30 years. ... Read More
CCSH-Blakston-FSS Postcard of Lizard 1912-FSS Best Lizard 1875 Wallce-FI

Lizard canary basics, part 14: the rise and rise of rowings

Rowing, also known as breastwork, borst tekening, and dessin de la poitrine et flancs (1) has been the rising star in the Lizard’s firmament for as long as I can remember.  Anyone who has studied the Lizard’s ancient history will know that the popularity of rowings has been growing steadily for much longer than that.... Read More