A new COM Standard for the Lizard canary was approved at the OMJ congress held in Portugal this month. The proposal was prepared by the LCA and submitted by COM-UK. The most significant changes are:
- Features such as the eyelash and the lacings, that were omitted from the 2016 standard, have been restored. The Scale of Points has been adjusted accordingly.
- The Lizard’s unique features such as the spangles, the cap, the rowings and the lacings have been described in greater detail.
- The classification of birds according to the type of cap is explained, with a tolerance of 10% for clear caps and non caps.
- Show faults are noted with advice on when points should be deducted and, for serious faults, when the bird should be disqualified.
All the above accord with the LCA Standard and its explanatory notes (the latter were never incorporated into previous versions of the Standard).
A PDF of the English version of the new Standard is published below (2 pages). It is also available in French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese. Please click on the links to download a copy:
OMJ Lizard Standard 2024-English
The LCA would like to thank:
- Jorge Quintas (Head of OMJ Section E) and Simon Tammam (COM-UK World Show Coordinator) for supporting the proposal and securing its approval.
- Antonio Di Tillio (President, LCCI) for alerting us to the OMJ Congress and for endorsing the proposed Standard, as did David Allen (Secretary, BLCC).
- The friends of the Lizard canary who translated the Standard into five languages: Danielle Sugliani (French), Angelo Citro and Antonio Di Tillio (Italian), Marko Dielen (Dutch), Ernesto Gracia (Spanish) and Paulo Ferreira (Portuguese).
Footnote: The COM Standard applies to shows under the aegis of COM. The LCA Standard and Scale of Points will still apply to shows in Great Britain.
A good result. Well done on this work.
Ok, so the lca standard is now the new com standard. Some pictures with the length off the cap and the 10 % rule would make it easier to give the points for the cap and discussions about a lizard in the wrong class. And some judges don’t care is the cap is too long in the neck.
Good points Ronald, but I have learned from experience that we have to take one step at a time with COM. In my opinion the new Standard is a big improvement on the previous Standards. A photographic guide to the Lizard is something for the future.
Keep up the good work Huw!
Well done, Huw.