Lizards at the National Exhibition 2022

Illness prevented me attending this year’s National.  Fortunately Joe Coakley and Andy Beesley stepped into the breach.  Here is Joe’s report illustrated with photos by himself and Andy.  My thanks to them both.


This year’s Stafford Show was my third appointment to Judge the Lizard Canaries @ the National which became more exciting for me as I had the wonderful opportunity to meet up again with Paulo Ferreira whom I Judged the Lizards of Spain with pre covid.

The show itself appeared to be decidedly better than in previous years and the day just flew by.

It really did seem that there was more of everything especially a little nonalcoholic tipple provided by Paulo Santos who Judged the Old and Rare section, a Portuguese Sweet & Sour Liquor drank from a Chocolate cup.

Judges at the 2022 National Exhibition
Three judges at the 2022 National Exhibition, from L to R: Paulo Santos, Joe Coakley and Paulo Ferreira.

This was my first judging appointment of the show season 2022.

I had a very warm feeling that so many exhibitors had taken time to bench their birds for what is an early show in the calendar for us fanciers and hearing the difficulties with the moult this year thought the numbers would be low. However, I believe some ninety-one in number were benched 

National Exhibition 2022 the Lizard canary section
The famous blue and black Lizard show cages at the 2022 National Exhibition

The novice section had some fine examples which is very encouraging for the future with new exhibitor Ray Anthony coming out on top with a fine example of a Broken Cap Silver Cock bird that held it spangles all day, Ray also won second best novice.

National Exhibition 2022 Ray Anthony
Ray Anthony with his Best Novice Lizard canary

Had the bird possessed better rowing’s I believe it would have challenged the eventual winner.

Best Champion/Best Lizard eventually went to R & I Wright with a lovely Non-Cap Gold Hen, a little down in colour for me but an improvement on his winner of 2021 without that brassy look. #

National Exhibition 2022 Best Lizard
Best Lizard canary by Rob & Ian Wright

As it was the bird itself took on the mantle to really stand on the perch and show herself to her fullest Beauty as if saying look @ me, there is no other.

I really do like a Lizard that stands tall on the perch with ease of movement.

You could see the depth of each rowing just sitting on top of each other with that wonderful distinct Centre line of melanin with fine gold edging, and fine spangling 

I felt very confident when this bird went up for Best Canary in Show that when I had the opportunity to discuss its qualities, I could certainly give an in-depth challenge against her counterparts.

As it was, she came up to the challenge I need not have worried, dancing across the perch with a bold chest, I was enormously proud to represent R & I Wright in putting their bird forward.

National 2022 Best canary in show
Best Canary in Show. Ian Wright receives the award from Chris Smith.

Congratulations R & I Wright the 1st Lizard to win best canary @ the National I am told.


The National gallery 2022 (just click on a photo for a larger image):


I don’t have the names of the breeders of all the birds in the photographs.  If you are one of the unnamed owners, let me know and I’ll be happy to credit you.

5 thoughts on “Lizards at the National Exhibition 2022

  1. Thanks for the excellent show report. It was a really good day and good to see a top class judge at work in Joe Coakley.

  2. Thanks to Joe for sharing these few photos. It’s always nice to see beautiful birds.


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